Here is the full Yuriko Shiratori interview as seen in the 10th Anniversary Blu-Ray Box.
You’ve probably seen the Tokusatsu Network article highlighting a part of the Yuriko Shiratori interview.
If you haven’t, you can read it here: Kamen Rider Den-O: Why Yuriko Shiratori Left The Show

That said, here’s the full interview in case anyone wanted to read it.
Tell us about the time you were selected to play Hana.
I’ve always wanted to be an actress, but to be honest, I started a little too late in the acting world. So about a year before Kamen Rider Den-O, I began doing work like gravure. My agency decided that it’s best to start with work like gravure so the industry can know my face, and then try acting from there. Then, I got an audition for Kamen Rider Den-O. I was 23 at the time and I was very thrilled. The lines I was given at the audition weren’t very long but I was still very nervous. I was nervous at whether I got the part or not. I didn’t just read for Hana’s parts, I also read lines for Airi (who would eventually be played by Wakana Matsumoto). I was so surprised that the Manager picked me for Hana! I was super happy. Speaking of, I’ve never worn a maid outfit before, but Hana’s outfit was very maid-like and cute, which made me more happy to be able to wear it. I’ve always wanted to wear an outfit like that, but my embarrassment would win over me and I don’t think I could even wear it in private (laughs). The outfit Naomi (portrayed by Rina Akiyama) wore was always beautiful. It did look like it took time to put on, but it does look great on the character.
Do you remember meeting the cast for the first time? Did you connect?
The first time I met them in person, right? I remember having yakiniku with the staff and cast. I remember thinking, “I can’t believe I just had dinner with everyone”… After filming began, I remember spending long amounts of time with the cast so I think we connected? We joked around between shoots and had lunch together in the Toei Cafeteria, which was a great memory for me since I had come from the countryside and had no friends. The staff at the cafeteria always had a smile on their faces, which cheered me up.
Episodes 1 and 2 were directed by Ryuta Tasaki. Do you remember what happened at the time of the filming?
I don’t remember all the details, but I do remember Director Tasaki encouraging me. It kinda felt like he was telling me “I know you can do it!” I do remember days being really long, but Director Tasaki left more of an impression on me. I’m surprised he only directed the first two episodes, and episode 23 and 24. I thought he worked on more.
I guess you went through a lot before you got used to filming.
Yeah. I struggled a lot with different intonations in my speaking voice. But I had fun. Everyone was so nice. The cameraman, Inokuma (Masao), was especially nice to me (laughs). I also struggled with the cold. We began filming in December and it was freezing until February. I remember Satoh (Takeru) telling me, “Spring is just around the corner” (laughs).
How did you feel when watching the premiere?
I was so embarrassed… aside from having a very straight-laced face, Hana has a lot of scenes where she has a serious expression on her face. She also gets angry and looks like an ogre. I was worried that viewers might be frightened by this. I mean, I still have the same face, but with a more kinder expression (laughs).
But as the series went on, you must have realized how popular the show and its characters were, right?
Twitter wasn’t around back then, but I did try my hardest to write a blog. Many of the fans who commented were really encouraging. That’s when I realized that so many people watched the show. There were a lot of people who were there whenever I went to our filming locations. No one shouted, “It’s Hana!,” but I do remember the fans watching our filming very closely.
What do you and Hana have in common? A lot of articles back then seem to indicate that you are the exact opposite.
Many people actually told me, “you’re the opposite of her,” and I think so too. I’m very slow and sometimes I doze off and even I know I shouldn’t be like that. I can concentrate on one thing at a time, but I am clumsy and cannot do things at the same time. Most of all, I can’t take on challenges and fight like she does. Hana is a girl who is strong-willed and full of life… who can be angry and a bit rough at times.
She has a lot of scenes where she punches and kicks.
The action scenes were fun. Many people on set were like, “Give it your all!” I didn’t know what my limits were but I really did put my everything into them. Every episode, Momotaros (played by Seiji Takaiwa) always gently took the beating. I’m just so touched by everyone. There was a scene in the summer movie where I hit an actor (Shingo Kawaguchi who portrayed Sasuke) because I couldn’t stop the ladle in time. I still regret that moment even now. It must have hurt. Yet, even though I am clumsy, everyone watched over me. It makes me so grateful. I can still remember everyone’s smile. It was simply a great time. It’s a memory that I will never forget.
Can you tell us more about one of your clumsy moments on set?
I got hurt a lot when filming the action scenes. I didn’t get any injuries but one time I tripped over a camera leg because I didn’t notice it. I’m not bad at physical activities but I am a bit of a klutz (laughs). It wasn’t just on my time on Den-O. I’ve always been like this. But I don’t get hurt as much anymore…
That’s a relief (laughs).
I’m also not good at switching gears. I did gravure shoots during the course of filming as well. When I went from Den-O to my gravure shoots, I was told “you still have a gravure expression on.” When I went to my photo shoots I was told “you still have your Hana expression.” Each job needed different things out of me so I couldn’t adjust.
Tell us about your memories with your co-stars.
I remember Takeru being younger than me, yet very mature. He was still in his teens yet so capable compared to me. He was good at dancing, He was also very good at portraying each Imagin. It seemed really troublesome having to do different make-up whenever he switched to an Imagin. I remember the Owner (portrayed by Kenjiro Ishimaru) always arriving to set very early. He was very friendly and nice.
How about your female co-stars? Are you still in contact with them?
Thankfully, I still keep in touch with them. Back then, I didn’t have any acting experience at all. I didn’t know how to approach my co-stars and I wondered if maybe I shouldn’t get close to them. But even now, I’m so happy that I get to be close with them like this and I’m so moved by the fact that they accept me for who I am. I actually got to see Rina and Wakana recently. Whenever one of us appears in a movie or on TV, we try to watch it if we have time. I’m glad everyone’s so active.
Looking back on everything, what is Den-O to you?
It’s something I cherish. Even if it was work, I felt like I was just spending days at school with my cast-mates and the staff. I can’t travel to the past in the Den-Liner, but those fun days find its way back to me and it remains a happy memory for me. I loved spending time with everyone.
Even though it’s been ten years, there are still many fans who love the show, Hana, and you.
To tell you the truth, a part of myself still remains back there. I’m so happy that I have a chance to talk about it today thanks to the fans who continue to love the series. I want to apologize to everyone involved back then. Because of my bad physical condition, I was unable to continue filming. I pushed myself too hard and lost balance between my mind and soul. There were so many days where I struggled knowing that I couldn’t see Hana to the end. Now that some time has past, I’m in a much better place than I was before. In my spare time I do gardening. And I do dressmaking as a hobby. Plants bring me a lot of joy. I enjoy picking fabric and creating clothes. The sense of accomplishment upon completion is what makes me who I am.
What do you want to say to your fans?
I enjoyed being on Kamen Rider Den-O. And Happy 10th Anniversary! I will continue to be one with everyone and love the series. Thank you so much for your time reading this interview.
Source: Kamen Rider Den-O Box Set 3
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