Your Name – Full Translations of the other Background Text

Here are some full translations of text that appear throughout the film of Your Name.

So the official release of the film Your Name had typesetting on screen for text that were integral to the plot. Not all of the text messages on screen were translated because well, It’s impossible to incorporate all of them without the footage appearing too text heavy or edited. Here are the translation for those messages which I think add a bit of fun details and dialogue.

Shrine Maiden’s Sake Ad

So this ad appears in Mitsuha’s mind when her little sister suggests she sell her kuchikamizake. The typesetting only translates the center black text. The words on the right say “prepared by a female student studying for her entrance exams” while the small text on the left says “unedited photos inside.” I wonder what could have compelled Yotsuha to suggest this.

Mitsuha’s Journal Entry on Taki’s Phone

Mitsuha writes this in Taki’s phone right after her first body swap. The entry reads:

His friends are nice, and I’m kinda handsome. The part-time job experience at the restaurant surprised me but it feels like I’m in the movie world which excites me. Because of my mistake, I was able to get closer to the super-beauty Okudera-senpai, and we walked home together until the train station. All thanks to my girl power.

Taki’s Notes in Mitsuha’s Notebook

These are Taki’s notes that he left in Mitsuha’s notebook. This scene appears right when she and Taki realize that the dreams they’ve been having were real the entire time.

The typesetting only translates the upper right text that reads “what is this life?” but the other are notes that Taki has been making about Itomori.

  • Mitsuha Miyamizu
  • The real boonies
  • Grandma
  • Little sister –  Yotsuha
  • Father – Apparently the town mayor
  • Year 2 Class 3
  • Teshi – wears open collar.
    • Obsessed with the occult
    • Stupid. Good guy
  • Sayaka
    • Broadcast Club
    • Well-mannered
  • Miyamizu Family
  • Shrine maiden?
  • No other friends
  • Father lives somewhere else
  • Mother passed away it seems

Taki’s Journal Entry in Mitsuha’s Phone

This journal entry was written by Taki on Mitsuha’s phone titled Out in the Boonies Part 4.

I’m not sure how many times this strange occurrence has happened so far, but I’ve gotten a little used to it. Other than the fact that I’m in a woman’s body, I’m getting rather comfortable here. The country life isn’t so bad. I have nice friends: Teshi and Sayaka. I was astonished by them at first, but perhaps I’m just good at fitting in. They’re both quite different from me but I quickly got along with them. 

Today we had art class, a still life. Since I didn’t have any reason to take it seriously, I decided to draw a building around here. Apparently it’s an Elementary School where her little sister (Yotsuha?) goes to. It’s a beautiful wooden Western-style building with a clock tower. 

During class, I heard people bad mouthing me so I shut them up by kicking a desk over.

I don’t know who you are, but you need to live your life with more dignity. Oh and grandma’s bentou was good.