The creator of Spy x Family, Tatsuya Endo, reveals some fun facts about Ostania and Westalis.
What happens if you’re caught by the Secret Police?
There are people who are released after they’ve been tortured but they are kept under strict surveillance. And some of them never see the light of day. Some of them are blackmailed into becoming the Secret Police’s pawns.
Do the public know about any incidents related to the assassination organization (Garden) in Ostania?
No one knows the existence of them. Only some in the Secret Police are aware of the organization. And of course, WISE has very little intel regarding them.
Tell us about the currency.
A 100 pent equals 1 dalc. 1 dalc equals 320 yen (Japan’s currency) in today’s exchange rate.
What’s popular in Ostania and Westalis?
A drama called Berlint Love is popular in Ostania. Even the elementary first-years know about the series. Entertainment is more developed in Westalia, so there are so many things that go in and out of style.
What is the difference in economic and military power between the two countries?
Westalia has economic dominance. As for the military powers, that I’m not sure.
Do many people defect from Ostania to Westalis (or vice-versa?)
There are people who’ve defected from Ostania but I don’t think there are many the other way around. People would only go to Ostania if it’s to infiltrate the country or to secretly meet with family.
Tell us about the technology of the world.
Technology from the 60s to 70s exist, but it is the era of Apollo 11’s moon landing so there are so modern devices (of course there’s some differences between our world and theirs). However, they do not have cell phones or the internet.
Does the East also have WISE intelligence?
In layman’s terms, spy organizations include intelligence (the offensive side) and counterintelligence (the defensive side) organizations, and WISE is Western intelligence, while the Security Service is Eastern counterintelligence.
Source: Spy x Family Official Fanbook Eyes Only
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