Fruits Basket – The Voice of Tohru Honda talks about the Final Season

This is my translation of the Anime Hack interview with Manaka Iwami (the voice of Tohru Honda).

How did you feel at the end of your final recording session?

It actually didn’t dawn on me. I can understand that the story was over, but it just didn’t dawn on me. However, when I left the recording booth like I always did, everyone began clapping for me. As soon as they told me “good job,” I welled up. I cried my eyes out in the lobby. I kept on crying. I didn’t want it to end. So I wrote a message of gratitude to everyone there. It was such a warm setting.

The Final seasons is about to air, how do you feel?

That we’re finally here. I feel lonely that it’s going to end, I feel happy that everyone will get to watch it, and I also have mixed emotions.

Having walked alongside Tohru, what impression does she leave with you? She is a straight forward and overflowing with compassion. Did you feel any kind of hardship understanding her?

It was difficult, but there’s a lot of ways Tohru and I sympathize with each other. Like her, I’m able to think about others and cry, say my lines, and have conversation. I also cherish everyone in the Soma family, there are so many precious characters besides Tohru and I can say that I honestly understand how she feels.

Was the sympathy for her that strong from season one?

No, when I took the audition, I thought she was so wonderful that I had a lot of respect for her. When I landed the role, I wondered if I could really play her. However, the staff members and cast told me that it’s okay to just be myself. Deep down I thought that maybe there was a bridge between Tohru and me.

The best direction you were given was to be yourself, isn’t it?

It is. On my first recording session ever, I wasn’t sure how to stand. After a few sessions, I was told to just stand the way I always do. The Audio Director Jin Aketagawa has been taking care of me since I entered the world of voice acting. He understands my disposition, and I think he’s actually told me to be myself. Nobunaga Shimazaki (the voice of Yuki) has also been a part of my life since I entered the voice acting world and he’s told me things like “you’re fine the way you are” and “just keep being yourself.”

Which is why I believe Tohru’s words will reach people because they’re so honest. I began to play the role as if I didn’t think, but feel as I became Tohru, and speak my voice towards the audience.

In the Final Season, we see Tohru in conflict. Did your impression of her change?

Tohru in this season is the most human we’ve seen her so far. It’s not that she wasn’t human before, but to see her struggle so much is very impactful. We also get to see her open her heart that’s been closed for the longest time. Tohru often speaks in keigo (the honorific speech in the Japanese language) but in this season, there are so many scenes where she doesn’t speak in that manner. There are more scenes where she loses her composure and drops the honorific speech. I think there were many moments where she dropped everything and became just a normal girl.

Did you learn anything from your senior colleagues?

All I did was learn from them. Everyday was a lesson for me. Whenever I have to get deep into my role, I wouldn’t say I put on walls but I’m the type to be buried deep in concentration, that I would constantly stare at the script even during breaks. Yuma Uchida (the voice of Kyo) would tell me “it’ll be okay” and tell me fun stories. Also, Yuichi Nakamura (the voice of Shigure) would sit next to me during recording so he’d ask me “what’s wrong? you don’t look well,” whenever I felt down.

Everyone is so kind. I spent a lot of time with them so they’re like family to me. Also, I’m bringing up Nakamura again, but we used to lend each other DVDs (laughs). When I introduced a drama that I recommended, Mr. Nakamura watched all the episodes before the next recording. From there, Mr. Nakamura started lending me DVDs of foreign dramas he recommended every time (laughs). He has become like a big brother to me. It’s like I feel at ease with him. I love them all.

The Final season recording happened during COVID. What kind of system was put in place?

We recorded everything together for the first and second season, but we all recorded at different times for the final season. I often recorded together with Uchida. I also got to work together with Maaya Sakamoto on important scenes.

Since this is the Final season, you must have felt a bit sad that you couldn’t record with everyone.

I really felt sad. However, in the moments where we would talking to each other briefly in between recordings or when we passed each other, we share the world of Fruba. Despite all that, I wanted to record the Final season together with everyone. It was frustrating and really sad.

In the twelve zodiac members, who do you like the most in particular?

That’s hard! I want to say all of them! In my interview regarding the first season, I did say it was Yuki. But now that we’re in the final season, my feelings have changed. I think I now like Kyo… (laughs)

What made you like Kyo?

It’s because I grew a bit older (laughs). I was 20 years-old when Fruba started, I was charmed by Yuki’s gentleness and swayed by his well-manners. But now I’m 22, and I’m attracted to Kyo’s tactless kindness (laughs). When I reach my 40s or so, I think I’ll probably start to be attracted to older people. I think Shigure’s pretty great too (laughs). But he is a bit of a jerk though. And above all else, I’ve always loved Momiji.

It’s quite a change when your favorite character changes.

You’re right (laughs). But I really do love everyone!

Talking with you today, I realize that you’ve gained and felt many things through Fruits Basket. So I ask you once again, what is Fruits Basket to you?

It’s a work of fiction that is a big part of my life. I’m glad that I encountered this anime. No matter what age you are, there are words that you’ll be able to relate to and that will stay with you. So as I grow up, the way I feel about the work will change, and my impression of the characters will also change. After encountering this work, I have broadened my view of the people around me and have come to find kindness all around. My life has become richer. My feelings have also become richer and I have learned to feel many things.

And of course as a voice actress, I’ve been surrounded by many senior voice actors and I was able to work with them on many scenes, and by conquering each and everyone of my anxieties, I have gained confidence. It was a place that made me cherish what I feel and want to act. There are so many things that Fruba has given me, and I’m really glad to have it in my life.

Source: Anime Hack